Howie Day’s emotionally resonant lyrics and inventive melodies have earned him both critical praise and a legion of devoted fans. He is known for his energetic, heartfelt shows, where he connects with audiences through the strength of his songwriting and his quirky sense of humor. Day’s warm tenor voice “soars into fluttering, high registers, but also grates with real, pleading grit,” as one critic put...
Find out more »Paa Kow is an internationally renowned drum set player, bandleader, composer, and producer. Growing up in the small village of Enyan Denkyira near Cape Coast in Ghana, West Africa, Paa Kow began to play music and tour with his family's concert band at a very early age. He has since grown to be widely recognized as one of the most remarkable drum set players to...
Find out more »IndigoSun was born in the late summer of 2008, when a few good friends at Roosevelt University began to explore the possibilities of electronic music. We set up outside on a rare beautiful September night on the terrace of our building, and began to improvise around the skeleton of what would become "Welcome Home." After playing for about an hour and a half, we knew...
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