Frances Luke Accord is an independent Chicago-based duo hailing originally from South Bend, Indiana. Nicholas Gunty and Brian Powers distinguish their music with genre fluidity, organic acoustics and buttery harmonies. Although prevailingly a modern folk band, FLA sips copious inspiration from Americana, soul, and jazz. Since the duo’s first release, their multifaceted, genre-bending approach to music has marked a boundless evolution, inflecting the dynamic of...
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Find out more »Curbside Island Curbside Island is a Roots Reggae / Reggae Rock cover band from the Chicago-land suburbs that brings you the pumpin' grooves you love with a side of rock! Box Whine First there was Brett and Steve playing a gig on a hot and humid night, where the air smelled of beer sweat and box wine. The basis was founded. Noah returned from colorado...
Find out more »Billy Branch was discovered by Willie Dixon, the "father of modern Chicago Blues," while Billy was still in college. Willie encouraged Billy to finish his college education, which he did, but instead of going to law school after receiving his political science degree, Billy began touring with the Willie Dixon Chicago All-Stars. This gave Billy the unique opportunity to travel and work as an understudy for the legendary Carey Bell who was...
Find out more »We return after a nomadic year that has taken us all over the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Colombia and some of favorite festivals such as Burning Man and Glastonbury. It’s been a magical ride with aerialist performers above us in the dust in Nevada, drag Stevies in Chicago, so many hugs to Landslide, many new friends and a phone interview with Mick Fleetwood himself for...
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