Ornette Coleman instilled a spirit of exploration rooted in tradition that continues to drive the evolution of the music today. With Mars Williams and Fred Jackson on saxophone, Jim Baker on piano, Josh Abrams on bass, Ben LaMar on trumpet and Avreeayl Ra on drums.
Find out more »Alejandro Acierto performs 'Transmit,' a performance installation for voice and breath mediated through an 8-channel speaker system in multiple rooms. // Allen Moore's work converses with the signifiers of African American and popular culture, bringing to view the underlying themes of our racial and emotional experiences. Moore creates experimental sounds and objects that parallel his own biographical narrative, casting inverted recordings (graphite and adhesive) from...
Find out more »Dedicated to Ann E. Ward and John Coltrane The polymathic Douglas R. Ewart has been honored for his work as a composer, improvising multi-instrumentalist, conceptual artist, sculptor and mask- and instrument designer. Also an educator, Ewart bridges his kaleidoscopic activities with a vision that opposes today’s divided world. His culture-fusing works aims to restore the wholeness of communities and of the individuals within them, and...
Find out more »Vocalist Sara Serpa & Guitarist André Matos Release All the Dreams (Sunnyside Records), an album rich in melody and luminous atmosphere The combination of the voice and guitar of Sara Serpa and André Matos is magic, dazzling and calm. The Portuguese native and New York based artists work together since 2005. They achieved to create a unique sonic world, drawing upon pure and contemplative sounds...
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