by ghernandezcmo
04 Aug 2016
The Donnis Trio is a San Diego based Fook/Rock/Roots band. Their music characterized by the baritone vocals of Nate Donnis, and the precise/intricate rhythm section of Phil Woodring (Drums) and Denis Sluka (Bass) is well known throughout the world. Buy your tickets here
by ghernandezcmo
29 Jul 2016
Chris Weaver was born to perform. Mixin southern rock, soul, and country blues, Chris and his band are inspiring crowds all around the world on the heels of releasing their sophomore CD, American Dreams . Attending a Chris Weaver performance you don’t want to miss! Get your tickets here
by ghernandezcmo
27 Jul 2016
The Last Shadow Puppet are a rock band based out of Sheffield, England. The group who formed as a side project super group who have developed a large fan base over the course of their career. Fans of their music can look forward to seeing the group in concert. It’s sure to be a great show that you won’t want to miss. Buy tickets here
by ghernandezcmo
26 Jul 2016
Early in their career, the Goo Goo Dolls frequently dimissed by critics as were imitators of the replacements: however, they refined and mainstreamed their sound to become one of the most popular adjlt alternative rockbands ofmthe 1990s selling millions of influences. That’s no knock on the band, either the music simply improved in craft and accessibilty as the years progressed, and fadio happened to be...
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by ghernandezcmo
20 Jul 2016
I have had the privilege of sitting as a judge on the largest annual Band Competition in Finland. It has 200 bands attending every year, and I’ve been part of the judging panel since 2005. The competition is aimed at unsigned bands, and is open to anyone. The entrants are picked in the order of entry submissions, so the bands are not required to have...
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by ghernandezcmo
05 Jul 2016
The Red Line Tap hosts music up to 7 nights a week featuring local, regional and national acts on our stage. At the Red Line Tap you will often find yourself wrapped up watching a show on our stage, while drinking from our great selection of domestic, craft and imported beers, with several beers from Chicago and the Midwest, in addition to one of the Northside’s...
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by cmo2user
22 Apr 2016
“In part, the band’s work sounds fresh because of its stylistic flexibility. Swing rhythm, jazz improvisation and blues phrase-making converge in almost everything it plays, but never in the same proportions. Moreoever, when Paterson plays pedal-steel guitar, he evokes specific country-music idioms; when he plays electric, he taps a more urban musical vocabulary. Ultimately, though, Paterson and the Modern Sounds draw from uncounted genres in...
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by KatlyneCMO
18 Mar 2016
Face it: once your career gets to a certain level, you’re going to need a manager. That word scares some musicians, and while it’s tough to find the perfect one, it’s going to be necessary. Many artists just starting out are aware that having a manager is important, but they don’t quite know what that role is responsible for. This is a person that you’ll be working closely...
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by cmo2user
07 Feb 2016
In 1977, The Dirty Dozen Social and Pleasure Club in New Orleans began showcasing a traditional Crescent City brass band. It was a joining of two proud, but antiquated, traditions at the time: social and pleasure clubs dated back over a century to a time when black southerners could rarely afford life insurance, and the clubs would provide proper funeral arrangements. Brass bands, early predecessors...
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