by KatlyneCMO
18 Mar 2016
Face it: once your career gets to a certain level, you’re going to need a manager. That word scares some musicians, and while it’s tough to find the perfect one, it’s going to be necessary. Many artists just starting out are aware that having a manager is important, but they don’t quite know what that role is responsible for. This is a person that you’ll be working closely...
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by KatlyneCMO
18 Mar 2016
Having an intimate relationship with your fans is important because it shows you are human. The internet has become a powerful tool and weapon. In some cases it is a sword while others it is a shield. Staying grounded lets your fans know that you’re a regular person and don’t take them for granted. Here are some ways to stay in touch with them. Email...
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by KatlyneCMO
18 Mar 2016
Music is a product of many factors. The more avenues an artist can draw upon, the more original their music will tend to sound. For many aspiring musicians, there exists a notion that being self-taught, often in a rather unorthodox fashion, is what being a successful musician is all about. Although it is true that some rare musicians will thrive with this philosophy, the reality...
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by KatlyneCMO
18 Mar 2016
There’s often a joke among musician about how an artist spends their day. They usually kid around that their day is spent something like 10% rehearsing, 15% writing music, and 75% dealing with their crippling self-doubt. And while it’s total self-depreciating humor, in today’s industry, I don’t blame ‘em. We’re living in an industry where artists are making a fraction of a penny per stream...
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by KatlyneCMO
17 Mar 2016
It’s almost that time again – that time of year when every band and singer worth their salt makes that annual pilgrimage to Mecca (Austin) for the week-long SXSW festival. A week of no sleep, watered-down drinks, bad food, unrewarding performances and the heartbreak of the ultimate realization that it wasn’t really worth it. Never have so many spent so much time and money for so little notoriety and...
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by KatlyneCMO
17 Mar 2016
As a hip-hop artist, just making music and putting it out there for the world is not enough anymore. Technology has made it easy for almost anyone to purchase the basic equipment and become a rapper. Not only has this made promoting your music more difficult, it’s also made getting your music featured in hip-hop blogs less likely due to tons of artist submitting their...
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by KatlyneCMO
17 Mar 2016
I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful. – Marilyn Monroe I’m fortunate to have had, early on in my life, a close-up view of this industry’s most important element: talent. Spending my childhood with my dad at Trident Studios and seeing influential artists such as The Beatles, Queen and David Bowie pass through the doors set a strong precedent for my...
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by cmo2user
14 Mar 2016
Sherwood, the Community Music School at Columbia College Chicago, is a gateway for anyone who wants to be engaged in the arts. We offer high-quality and accessible music, dance and performance classes that are as social, vibrant and diverse as our growing South Loop neighborhood. Early Childhood music and movement classes, Kids music classes, Adult classes in music, dance and theatre. Individual lessons for ages 4...
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by cmo2user
14 Mar 2016
Urban Gateways delivers high-quality arts programs led by trained and experienced professional artists in music, dance, theater, literary arts, visual arts, and digital media to engage youth in grades pre-K through 12, their teachers, families, and communities. Urban Gateways teaching artists collaborate with school teachers, administrators, and art specialists to develop and deliver engaging, integrated curricula for all types of learners. The Loop 205...
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by KatlyneCMO
10 Mar 2016
Julie Flanders is an expert in Creative Leadership, Self Expression and Change. She provides creative business consulting, excellence training, whole life coaching balanced-lifestyle approaches and dream achievement. She is also the founding member of the influential pop rock group October Project. 1) Ariel: How have you managed to keep your momentum and enthusiasm alive after all the many years and iterations of October Project—major label, indie label,...
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