Tag: psychological

Courtesy of https://www.luriechildrens.org/en-us/care-services/family-services/people/Pages/music-therapists.aspx

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Kids are inherently musical — it’s visible in the way they talk, move and process information. Our board-certified music therapists design highly individualized interventions using patient and family-preferred music to promote comfort and work on developmental, physical and expressive goals. Music therapists are uniquely trained to harness the therapeutic qualities of music to use with even the most fragile children, including surgical patients and babies...

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Courtesy of http://www.ibjirehab.com/performing-arts/

Illinois Bone & Joint Institute Rehabilitation

Performing Arts Rehabilitation at Illinois Bone & Joint Institute offers free injury screens, physical & occupational therapy services, studio/gym visits and Pilates lessons for Dancers, Figure Skaters, Gymnasts, Musicians, and Martial Artists. Our expert staff of licensed physical and occupational therapists is dedicated to providing the best research-based care for these individuals by understanding their unique needs physically and psychologically, assisting in the prevention of...

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