by ghernandezcmo
05 Aug 2016
COLVIN & EARLE Shawn Colvin and Steve Earle both remember the night they met. It was nearly 30 years ago, and Colvin had been invited to open a solo acoustic performance by Earle at the Iron Horse in Northampton, MA. Though their interactions that night were limited to some cursory dressing room pleasantries, each left more of an impression on the other than they may...
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by cmo2user
16 Feb 2016
John Dusek built Thalia Hall with the hopes of bringing arts and entertainment from Bohemia to play for his bohemian neighbors. Dusek’s Board & Beer within Thalia Hall celebrates the enduring link between beer, food and hospitality. Punch House, located in the basement of Thalia Hall, is a bar inspired by the history and manufacture of this original communal beverage. Pilsen 1807 S Allport St. Chicago, IL 60608 (312) 526-3851 UPCOMING...
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