by Anthony Martinez
14 Jul 2016
Robert W. Bastian, M.D., established Bastian Voice Institute in 2003 following a successful twenty-year career in academic medicine first at Washington University in St. Louis and then at Loyola University in Chicago, finishing with the rank of Professor. Dr. Bastian founded BVI, inspired by his vision of a unique, primary-through-tertiary-care specialty practice dedicated to voice, swallowing, and airway disorders in the adult population. Bastian Voice...
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by Anthony Martinez
14 Jul 2016
The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) is an independent, 501(c)3, non-profit organization. It is the world’s leading hospital and research enterprise in physical medicine and rehabilitation, having virtually defined the entire field during the last half of the 20th century. RIC also embodies the future of rehabilitation care, and possesses the intellectual, physical, human, brand, and spiritual capital to sustain and advance this worthy cause...
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by Anthony Martinez
14 Jul 2016
Welcome to RhythmWORKS Music Therapy, LLC! Using music in a fun and motivating atmosphere, we assist children, teens and adults of all ages with their therapeutic needs. At RhythmWorks, we currently provide individual and contractual group music therapy services throughout Chicago’s western suburbs. Adaptive piano and guitar lessons are also available. We are passionate about music therapy and how it can be used to help...
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